City Park

City Park

AddressNorth side of Poyntz Ave. between 11th & 14th streets
Phone(785) 587-2757 (Parks & Rec)

There are many thing to love about City Park, from the summer-time oasis that is the City Pool (which really should be called a waterpark, calling it a “pool” is an extreme midwestern understatement) to the winter-time fun zone that is the ice skate rink.  But my favorite thing about City Park is that it is the clearest barometer for how badly Manhattan wants winter to end.  With just the slimmest beams of sunlight and the slightest hint of warmth, Manhattanites instantly appear in City Park to bike, run, slide, Eno, swing, frisbee (you name it), all things for which an exact type fall day would be too cold.  It seems the whole town is thinking The kids are driving me nuts.  We’ve GOT to get out the house!, or If I stay inside one more minute, I am going to say/do something that’ll have me looking for a new roommate tomorrow! or Great!  It’s nearly 40 today.  I wonder how those shorts I bought in September fit?