City Park Pool

City Park Pool

Address1220 Poyntz Ave.
Phone(785) 587-2710
Social Media

Tell our sometimes oppressive summer days NOT TA-DAY!  Try this.  Slip into your swimsuit, lather on some sunscreen, sling a towel over your shoulder and cruise down to the City Park Pool on your bike under the shade of our leafy streets.  Once at Manhattan’s gem of a community waterpark, float around the cool and lazy river for a few hours, and then–without drying off–walk directly to your bike.  While on your wet ride home, there will be a savage war being waged between the hot Kansas-summer air and your allied cool pool water-molecules you brought along for the ride.  While these two duke it out, you’ll be treated to one of natures great chemical miracles–evaporative cooling–inspiring you to shoutout, as you arrive home cool and refreshed, “Is that all you got summer? NOT TA-DAY!”  Just as your lame neighbor pulled up in his still-hot car after the pool, pouring sweat from his forehead with embarrassing perspiration patterns on his t-shirt–lame.